Jackie is a female bald eagle with a nest located about 145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine tree in Big Bear Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains. Her current partner is Shadow.
Resolves YES if one or more of her eggs hatch as reported by a credible source in 2025. The egg can be laid at anytime.
Resolves NO if no eggs are laid, eggs are laid but zero of them hatch, she is declared deceased by a credible source, a credible source declares all eggs non-viable (FOBBV preferred as main source), or there is no credible confirmation / reporting of any such activity.
If an egg is laid before the market closes, the date of the appearance of the last egg in that clutch will trigger the countdown to close (3 months or end of 2025, whichever comes first). Market will close at the conclusion of that time period or sooner upon confirmation of conditions being met for a YES or NO resolution.