Will Dominion Energy ($D) announce intent to build an ESBWR at North Anna Nuclear Generating Station in 2024?

North Anna Nuclear Generating Station has an approved combined construction and operating permit to build an ESBWR at North Anna Nuclear Generating Station Combined License Holders For New Reactors | NRC.gov

With Vogtle units 3 and 4 online there has been renewed interest in building more new nuclear power plants. Remarks as Delivered by Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm on Startup of Vogtle Unit 4 and Growth of U.S. Nuclear Industry | Department of Energy

North Anna Power Station | Dominion Energy

Virginia is planning on a large increase in electricity consumption from data centers:

Data Centers Now Need a Reactor’s Worth of Power, Dominion Says (bloomberglaw.com)

This question is asking if Virginia Electric & Power Co. or Dominion Energy ($D) will officially announce its intention to begin construction of an ESBWR at North Anna Nuclear Generating Station in 2024. I will resolve this based on official company or government announcements.

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