740+/770 OpenAI employees reportedly signed a letter asking the board to resign and reverse Sam Altman's firing.
On the other hand...
Employees are counted as recanting if by end of 2024:
- they remove or ask that their name is removed from the letter
- they express that they no longer support Helen/Adam/Tasha being removed (ignoring whether Ilya should be removed here given he's a bit of an edge case)
- they express that they no longer support Sam Altman being reinstated
- they express that the board in fact acted reasonably/in good faith in their initial actions or relative silence
- they express that inertia, peer pressure, fear, or monetary considerations were a more significant factor in their signing than agreement with the substance of the letter
They are not counted if:
- their change in de facto position merely reflects a changed status quo (e.g. if the board stays as part of a compromise, they are are allowed to merely support that compromise; they are allowed to say a new CEO is doing a good job and should stay after some time on the job)
I won't bet.