What's an unconventional opinion or idea that you've encountered which most people might not agree with? [UNLINKED]
Sexism and racism, among other forms of prejudice, are responsible for worse health outcomes, and it’s not overly dramatic for people to treat those issues as public health/safety concerns.
Prediction markets are good
Physician-assisted suicide should be legal in most countries
The overall state of the world is pretty good... [*]
Authoritarian populism is bad actually
[*] ...and things will improve in the future
American agents are in the highest positions in government for more than half the world.
We should be doing much more to pursue human genetic engineering to prevent diseases and aging.
Most organized religion are false
Prolonged school closures because of COVID were socially devastating.
The Fermi paradox isn't a paradox, and the solution is obviously just that intelligent life is rare.
Scientific racism is bad, actually. (also it's not scientific)
Liberal-democracy is good actually
Humans have a responsibility to figure out what if anything we can do about wildlife suffering.
If a developed nation moves from democratic to authoritarian government today, it should be expected to end up poorer, weaker, sicker, and stupider.
Nuclear power is by far the best solution to climate change. [N]
The way quantum mechanics is explained to the lay public is very misleading.
Peeing in the shower is good and everyone should do it
It would actually be a good thing if automation eliminated all jobs.
Tenet (Christopher Nolan film) is underrated

This is inspired by @firstuserhere's market /firstuserhere/what-do-you-believe-that-few-other

Less than a day after it was created, the new option for unlinked free response questions was created. Since that market is meant to gauge what people think on a bunch of independent questions, the unlinked format would have worked better for it, so I decided to make one myself (with permission).

The only difference between this market and the original is the market type and what options are on it. Like with his, this never resolves, it is just a way to see what Manifold thinks of each belief.

Submit any belief that you think is controversial or non-mainstream, especially one that is novel or interesting. Then bet on the options based on whether you agree or disagree with each opinion.

Submitting an answer doesn't mean you believe in it. You can submit an answer you don't believe in to see what others think about it.

You could also buy YES if you think its underpriced and will likely become more popular, doesn't have to indicate belief.

If you submitted an option to @firstuserhere's market before this one was created, and you'd like it to be added, just ask me and I'll submit it for you. I'll probably also do this for people who submit options to his market afterwards, I just included the "before" limitation so that I can't be forced to spend infinite mana.

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Most organized religion are false
bought Ṁ25 Most organized relig... NO

I used to be Athiest but after a deep dive into the early history of the Christian church I ended up becoming catholic, lol.

very interesting. Would love to chat with you sometime to hear about your experience

bought Ṁ10 Peeing in the shower... YES

Since the criteria is unconventional opinions, shouldn’t the ones with high percentages resolve no and the ones with low percentages resolve yes?

Is it unconventional on Manifold, among the US public, or in the world?

bought Ṁ10 Answer #e48b63daee5d YES

Reincarnation actually makes sense if you consider the fact that you were already incarnated once.

If before you were born is the same epistemic state as after you are dead (simply non existence), then you already have one instance of evidence that non-existence leads to existence, and you can’t experience not existing.

This holds assuming you exist in the first place though

Only if there is free and legal abortion up to first trimester

Most organized religion are false

LOL at “most”. Just mine is true?

Scientific racism is bad, actually. (also it's not scientific)

How is this unconventional?

@JaimeSantaCruz I made it out of annoyance with some scientific racism-based markets on the site.

@PlasmaBallin this seems way to vague to even be a claim. Some racial differencs are obviously true (e.g. "people with African ancestry typically have darker skin than most other ethnicities"), so the question is where do you draw the line on which theories of racial differences count as "scientific racism".

Using "Racism" in the description as a boo word isn't really a solution - afaict it means "the bad/unreasonable theories that are motivated by prejudice are bad", which is tautological.

[*] ...and things will improve in the future

with more widespread bitcoin adoption, this is a certainty

@nick I don't see how more widespread bitcoin adoption is going to make that a certainly, or even more likely. Also, I'm not even convinced that Bitcoin will become mainstream

@PlasmaBallin that’s the kind of thinking that will inhibit adoption

@nick LOL

Peeing in the shower is good and everyone should do it

Better than peeing in the ball pit.

I made this option to see if the reason dream analysis isn't that low is because people actually believe in dream analysis, or if it's because people don't think it has to be based on anything real in order to be a legitimate means of gaining personal insight. (This is, of course, based on the assumption that no one here thinks astrology is real, which I've made a separate option to test.)

My thought: a rorschach test is a legitimate means of gaining personal insight. Dreams are kind of like a rorschach test, in that they're kind of based on connections your brain makes when less constrained than normal by definitive sense input, so you may have access to things your conscious mind isnt trying to think about. Astrology is, like, saying things about you based on your birthday, which does not seem similar?

I dunno about highly confident statements about what a particular dream means, but "you constantly dream of failing at things, in ways that wouldn't actually happen ---> you have a fear of failing at things, and it's irrational" seems like a fair guess, and those are the sort of things I come up with when I introspect about my dreams. I "believe in" that kind of dream analysis, not whatever Freud or Jung or whoever would have done.

@equinoxhq I guess it depends on how you interpret the option, since I was thinking of the type of thing Freud does when betting it down.

Step 1: Bet YES on this option.

Step 2: Wait for a long time until AI art starts to get good enough that some people think it really is better than human art.

Step 3: Profit

@PlasmaBallin quantity is its own form of quality, and AI art sure has quantity.

@ShakedKoplewitz I don't think quantity is quality for AI art. If anything, it's a form of anti-quality. If AI art was very rare, it wouldn't bother people so much, but if you get a bunch of AI generated images when you try to Google something real, that makes your search results worse. So the AI images can be thought of as having negative quality.

@PlasmaBallin it depends on what you want. My usual non-passive use for art is to try to illustrate a concept I just thought up. So I can look up something vaguely similar (usually I won't find anything too close), or generate AI art for it (which will usually be flawed but much closer to the idea in my head). In principle I could probably look up a human artist with the matching style and pay for a commission, but that's high-effort and expense and I wouldn't actually do it much. So in terms of having the ability to meet everyday art needs, AI already does better than humans.

(Music is similar - I'm sure listening to a live show is in many ways better than listening to a YouTube recording of that song, but the quantity and availability of online music mean that it still wins out overall).

Most organized religion are false

Technically speaking, doesn't almost everyone believe this? There are a lot of organized religions, and they can't all be true.

Literally just Frankfurt cases, how is this controversial?

@Najawin It's controversial whether Frankfurt cases are valid, and only philosophy nerds have heard of them. I think if I tried to explain to the average person why free will doesn't require the ability to do otherwise, they would find my opinion very unconventional.

@PlasmaBallin Nah, the evidence we have is really robust here. The average person tends to have compatibilist intuitions. https://philpapers.org/rec/NAHIAF (Or much of the rest of Nahmias' work. It depends on the specific framing of the question, but there's no evidence that determinism per se, or the possibility to do otherwise, are the things that people care about.)

@Najawin Interesting, although I think "free will doesn't require the ability to do otherwise," and "free will is compatible with determinism," aren't exactly the same claim. People might find the latter intuitive but the former surprising.

@PlasmaBallin Again, it really depends on the specific framing, is what the research shows, but there's no general tendency towards incompatibilism. I don't believe specifically Frankfurt cases have been tested, but given the rollback universe results I find it near impossible that people would think it too weird.