Will Starshield be available to US service personnel in Taiwan before the end of 2024?
Dec 31

Starshield is a military version of Starlink.

There are currently a limited number (dozens) of US personnel in Taiwan.

It is reported that they cannot access Starshield.

This will resolve NA if I come to believe that current reports are wrong and they have always been able to access Starshield (or that in some other way the premise of this question is wrong eg no US forces in Asia can Access the network)

It will resolve NO if I believe they have not been able to access Starshield at any point between market creation and 2025.

It will resolve YES if I believe that they weren't able to access Starshield, but are able to at any point after market creation and before 2025.

I will not bet in this market. I will make a determination based on the statements of media, US politicians, SpaceX employees.

If there is genuine doubt, I will lean to resolving NO. However, I reserve the right to resolve YES despite a lack of conclusive evidence if I am personally confident. I will try hard to get this right.


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