Will Emote Portrait Alive by Alibaba be fully released* before EOY 2024?
Dec 31

*In order to qualify as released in the context of this question, Emote Portrait Alive (EMO) must be either accessible to any consumer willing to pay or free to access for anyone in the USA or China. (I'll use my best judgement regarding a possible release in China. If people don't have access due to bad social scores or similar occurrences, this question will still resolve YES.)

If access is restricted (e.g. due to resource availability limitations) at this question's end date, then this market resolves as NO.

The quality of the created content won't affect the question.

Any name changes or if EMO is part of a package or is published by someone other than Alibaba won't change the outcome of the question.

Background: The team just released these demos. The AI can make a single image sing, talk, and rap from any audio file. More information: https://humanaigc.github.io/emote-portrait-alive/

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