Will Oregon have a record breaking marijuana harvest in 2024?
Nov 1


The harvest cycle of marijuana in Oregon begins with planting in spring, vegetative growth through summer, and flowering in late summer to early fall. Harvesting peaks in October when plants reach max potency. In Oct 2021, growers reported a record harvest of 5,538,077 lbs of weed. Will the record be broken in 2024?

Oct 2023 - 4,835,736 lbs

Oct 2022 - 4,175,004 lbs

Oct 2021 - 5,538,077 lbs

Oct 2020 - 3,999,776 lbs

Oct 2019 - 2,946,776 lbs

Oct 2018 - 2,541,614 lbs

Oct 2017 - 2,477,692 lbs

Oct 2016 - 1,030,633 lbs

Market Resolution

This is a prediction market. Market will close 31 October and will resolve in November when reports are released.

Market will resolve YES if the total wet weight of marijuana harvested in Oct '24 is higher than the total wet weight of marijuana harvested in Oct '21.

Market will resolve NO if the total wet weight of marijuana harvested in Oct '24 is less than or equal to the total wet weight of marijuana harvested in Oct '21.

Market will resolve N/A if Oregon accidentally re-criminalizes marijuana while trying to fix Measure 110.

Data Source: Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission Monthly Reports


I do not bet in markets I create. In the event that I am unable or unavailable to resolve the market, the market may be resolved by Manifold Mods. Any changes to the market description will be noted in the change log.
