Will Oregon voters pass or fail IP-17 (Oregon Rebate) and by what margin?
Nov 6
Pass; 90 - 100%
Pass; 80 - 89%
Pass; 70 - 79%
Pass; 60 - 69%
Pass; 50%+1 - 59%
Fail; 50 - 59%
Fail; 60 - 69%
Fail; 70 - 79%
Fail; 80 - 89%
Fail; 90 - 100%


IP17 is a voter initiative that proposes creating an annual rebate for every Oregonian (including children). The rebate would be funded by increasing the minimum tax rate for Oregon corporations with $25 million+ in sales from less than 1% to 3%. The taxed amount would be made availyas either a tax credit or a cash payment and be evenly divided among all Oregon residents who have resided in Oregon for at least 200 days provided the amount is greater than $25. (If the amount is less then $25/residents, the taxes amount is redistributed to social programs). The rebate would not be taxable, means-tested, or affect eligibility for income-based benefits.

Supporters of the measure estimate that the rebate amount would be ~$750 / resident the first year.

[0] Oregon Rebate Website

[1] IP17 Full Text

See also: Oregon 2024 Election Dashboard

Market Resolution

This is a forecasting market. Market closes when polls close (8 PM PST)

The market will resolve to one answer based on

  • If the ballot measure passes or fails

  • The margin by which it passes or fails

Margin will be determined by the percentage of voters that were for or against the measure.

(Majority Voters / Total Votes) = Margin

The market will resolve N/A if:

  • The ballot measure is withdrawn

The market will resolve based on certified results from the Oregon Secretary of State. Market closes on 5 Nov 2024; market resolution may be delayed until data is released. Oregon Law requires that any ballot measure receive an affirmative majority so in case of a 50/50 tie, the measure will have failed. [0]

[0] ORS 254.065 (2)

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