Will any country besides Brazil provide subsidized elective plastic surgery before 2033?

Brazil is reported as having a right to beauty (NYT, Conversation, Quartz) which guarantees free or heavily subsidized elective plastic surgery in certain government clinics. In reality, there is not a constitutional right, but teaching universities often provide low cost elective plastic surgery.

This market resolves YES if another country offer subsidized elective plastic surgery before 2033.

Fine Print

By elective, I mean that patients do not need to get the surgery classified as medically necessary in order to pursue it.

By subsidized, I mean that either a) the government in part pays for the elective plastic surgery or b) government clinicians perform the surgery at less than 50 percent of the price of average clinics in that country.
By plastic surgery I mean any procedure on this list. (Note: this list is not exhaustive and does not include some procedures, for example, Brazilian butt lifts.)

To resolve YES, I must see evidence from a well established source. I am thinking a major academic journal focused on plastic surgery from this list, a book published from a university publishing house or other major publishing house mentioned on this list, a credible news outlet like the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, or best a government website stating that they are adopting this program. It may be necessary to use multiple sources to prove that the 50 percent criteria is met.

Because there is still some fuzziness in what is a well established source, I will not bet on this market.

This market will resolve YES if a country besides Brazil does this already and there is credible reporting on it.
