Will Texas firearms regulations become more restrictive by 2030, as tracked by Wikipedia's "Gun laws in Texas"

This market is intended to track whether or not any firearms regulations/laws in Texas will get more restrictive prior to 2030-01-01. Regulations passed and signed by the Governor prior to 2030, but going into effect prior to 2032-01-01 will count.

As an objective resolution source, Wikipedia will be used. The "Summary Table" section on the "Gun laws in Texas" page will be the primary source of information.

If any of the firearms regulations tracked in the "Summary Table" section are more restrictive than the copy found in the provided archive link, this market will resolve as "Yes". If any Protections are removed, that will also cause this market to resolve "Yes". Otherwise, this market will resolve as "No".

For the purpose of this market, "restrictive" refers to any regulation or law that limits or prohibits specific actions, such as magazine capacity limits, whereas "protection" refers to any regulation or law that allows or safeguards specific actions, such as castle doctrine.

If a new row is added, I will use my judgment to determine if the regulation is restrictive or protective. Here's a non-exhaustive list of potential new regulations that may be considered restrictive if enacted:

  1. Magazine capacity limits

  2. Specific firearm bans

  3. Waiting periods for firearm purchases

In the event of suspected manipulation or inaccuracies in the Wikipedia page, I will follow these steps:

  1. Independently verify the information by reading the relevant legal code from a .gov website.

  2. Submit the verified information as an edit to the Wikipedia page.

  3. Post the verified information and my interpretation in the comments section of this market.

  4. Wait for a 30-day period.

If the verified edit remains on the Wikipedia page after 30 days, I will resolve this market accordingly. The final resolution of the market will occur no later than 2030-03-01 (and if the above process drags out that long, I will simply resolve this market according to my judgement). As always (and implied by the manifold rules), I let the Admins have final say if truly neccesary.

If the "Gun laws in Texas" Wikipedia page is deleted, merged, or significantly restructured, I will use my best judgment to find the most appropriate alternative source of information to resolve the market.

If you are wondering if a how a given modifcation to any of the rows would cause this market to resolve, please feel free to ask in the comments!

See this archive.org page for the current copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20230408053521/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_Texas
