Bloodborne is a critically acclaimed action RPG developed by FromSoftware and published by Sony in 2015 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. While Sony has been increasingly porting their exclusive titles to PC (like God of War and Spider-Man), Bloodborne remains one of the most requested yet unreleased PC ports.
Resolution Criteria
This market will resolve YES if an official PC port of Bloodborne (developed or authorized by Sony/FromSoftware) is released before World War 3 begins. The market will resolve NO if:
World War 3 begins before a PC port is released
An official announcement confirms Bloodborne will never come to PC
The market will remain OPEN until either condition is met.
For resolution purposes, World War 3 will be considered to have begun when at least three major world powers (US, China, Russia, UK, France) are engaged in direct military conflict with each other, with formal declarations of war.
Unofficial PC ports or emulated versions do not count for resolution
Remakes or remasters of Bloodborne that are officially released on PC would count for YES
While Sony has been expanding their PC presence, there has been no official confirmation or announcement regarding a Bloodborne PC port
The hypothetical nature of World War 3 means this market could potentially remain open indefinitely if neither condition is met