What will the lowest initial API price of GPT-5 be?
$0.03 - $0.06
$0.06 - $0.12
GPT-5 will not exist by close date
GPT-5 will exist by close date but not be accessible through API
$0.24 - $0.48
$0.01 - $0.03
$0.003 - $0.01
$0.12 - $0.24

"GPT-5" is defined as: Any product commonly referred to as "gpt-5" or similar by OpenAI. If it is released incrementally, it depends on whether the product is called GPT-5 by OpenAI or not. Names like "gpt-5-0314," "gpt-5-multimodal-2," "gpt-5," or "gpt-5-oct," would count as long as they are commonly referred to as GPT-5. "gpt-5-plus," "gpt-5.5," or "gpt-4.5" would not count unless OpenAI regularly calls them GPT-5. It need not be accessible to the general public, but someone must be regularly selling it (so if they sell it to companies only, it would count)

Resolves to the API price of the first version of GPT-5 in USD, average of price per 1K tokens input and price per 1K tokens output. If multple versions are released at the same time, resolves to the cheapest version. If GPT-5 doesn't exist or is not available by API, resolves to one of the other 2 options.

If the price is displayed in words/characters instead of tokens, I will use the following rates to convert, unless GPT-5 uses a different tokenizer and the rates are clearly very different:
1 token = 0.75 words

1 token = 4 characters

If the price is displayed in a way that I cannot convert, I will try to make my best estimate by checking the cost for a text of 750 words instead (equivalent to 1K tokens currently)

If the price is listed in 2 options, resolves to 50% each.

Example: with GPT-4, the cheapest version is 8K, and average of 1K tokens input and output price is ($0.03 + $0.06)/2 = $0.045.

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