Will Tetra stargaze in an area at Bortle level 4 or below by the end of 2024?
Jan 1

I've been kind of meaning to stargaze somewhere dark for a while, since last year, but haven't been able to get around to it. Perhaps this is just as well; I'm becoming increasingly in tune with my emotions and I will probably enjoy looking at stars even more than I would have last year.

The nearest place where I can do this to where I live in London is the South Downs National Park. I'm probably going to spend a bunch of time in Japan for the rest of this year, unsure how much. Currently I don't have any glasses or vision correction which would prevent me from stargazing.

Resolves YES if I stargaze in a place that's Bortle level 4 or below by the end of 2024, otherwise NO.

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