Predicted in this video:
I guarantee, like I would bet real money, that D&D GO, if it's not in its design stage, it will eventually become a thing within two or three years we're going to get D&D GO. Just like Pokémon GO, or Monopoly GO, D&D GO will manifest itself and it's going to be a killer app where you just go around the dungeon kill some skeletons and goblins, get some treasure, a plus one sword, and level up. And why wouldn't they? It's a license to print money.
Resolves YES immediately, if a mobile D&D game similar in spirit to Pokemon GO and Monopoly GO is published. It must have "D&D" and "GO" in its branding.
It doesn't need to be Hasbro or WotC. It may be only Android or iPhone or both.
The name needs not be literally "D&D GO". For example, "Baldur's Gate GO" would be acceptable, too.
Closes three years after creation and then resolves NO.