Will I have a baby by the end of 2027?

A baby at any stage of production counts, 'being pregnant' at the end of 2027 will resolve a yes. If I become pregnant and then become unpregnant without producing a baby before the end of 2027, this will not count as a yes.

I have no serious babydaddy prospects right now.

I do definitely want a kid in general.

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Will this only resolve β€˜Yes’ if the baby gestates in your own uterus?

Booooo adoption should count

Will you bet on this market?

I don't think Aella having a baby for mana is something we have to worry about

@GazDownright I bet on all my markets by default if I want to, excluding ones that have a correct answer that I already know

@Aella hm, what I'm deducing from this is that once you stop buying in this market, I need to buy a huge YES position πŸ€”

@Aella are you comfortable with us making markets like these eligible for sweepstakes? I would guess yes but just wanted to check!

@SirSalty sure!

bought αΉ€10 YES

Betting yes as a manifestation

@TheWabiSabi that really puts the manifest in manifestation