Latest prototype was just released - will they be selling them sooner or later ?
@notarealuser True, they seem to be making remarkable progress - and Musk has said they will cost no more than $20K... although he does have a famous habit of exaggerating lol
@AitchKay if musk says it's 20k expect it to atleast be around 100k. boston dynamics atlas starts from 150k.
@notarealuser I agree lol - but practically speaking, I'd guess the Robot would cost roughly the same as a car... so maybe around 40K on launch?
@notarealuser I guess "Never" is pricing in Figure and everyone else beating them to market and they just getting rid of the line, or plain Tesla goes under lol
@Dockson Good point lol - I guess if Tesla hasn't produced anything by 2030, then they probably never will...