Which possible application domain for neurotechnology is most promising?
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Medical: Restoration of damaged hearing, sight, and movement, treating neurological disorders, and possible longevity gains
Augmentative: Enhancement of cognitive, physical, communication capabilities
Exploration: Recreation in gaming, virtual reality, and exploration of new environments
Economic opportunity: Increased productivity and economic prosperity
AI safety: Creating a new AI safety hedge


  1. This question is part of Foresight’s 2023 Vision Weekends to help spark discussion amongst participants, so the phrasing and resolution criteria may be vaguer than I would normally like for this site. Apologies for that. We thought it would still be useful to make the market public to potentially inform other discussions.

  2. If you would to add alternative answers, please do so in the comments!

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All options contribute to economic prosperity, interesting how that isn't seen as the most promising!