How much compensation would you require to live without access to internet for a month? (under unpaid leave from work)
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In this question's context, let's assume you are given a one month long unpaid leave from your work for this challenge.

You are allowed to use electronics devices still, as long as they are not connected to the internet. You are allowed to pre download games, music, books, or contents from the internet ahead of time to use while you're on the month long internet abstinence.

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I'd happily take 1 month unpaid leave from work for free right now (well, ideally maybe in a week to give time to make travel plans), even if it meant I had to log off the internet during it.

Unpaid leave makes this more a question about my income than about how much I value Internet access. Wouldn't it be more useful for respondents to assume paid leave?

Assume you will receive one month of paid leave. How much in addition to your regular pay would you require to choose to spend that month without Internet access?

@HankyUSA Created this alternative poll after your suggestion