Which of these religious sects will ban AI before 2025?
Jan 1
A Christian sect
A Muslim sect
A Buddhist sect
A Jewish sect
A Hindu sect

In 2023, rabbis from the Skver Hasidic movement banned the use of AI. Will any other religious sects do the same in 2024?

Each option will resolve to YES if a sect of that religion with at least 1000 members bans AI or suggests that the use of any type of AI is morally wrong. Condemning technology in general will not count, the leadership of the sect has to specifically mention AI. A group counts as a sect of a certain religion if Wikipedia states that impartial religious scholars generally consider the group to be a sect of that religion.

Otherwise, each option will resolve to NO at the end of 2024.

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the linked article refers to the ban due to heresy. There's no heresy in buddhism and hinduism.

In both buddhism and hinduism, diversity of thought is tolerated, and individuals are encouraged to explore their own spiritual paths. Neither is there one centralized religious authority which can dictate whether AI should be banned or is morally wrong.
Different buddhist teachers and hindu gurus may teach and encourage their students to do or withstand from certain activities, but it is never defined for the tradition overall.
These are all abrahamic concepts you would try to apply to eastern school of though, which doesn't make much sense. These two are pretty much guaranteed to resolve to NO.

@kualta I agree, I just added all of the largest religions for completeness. Feel free to bet them down if you think this.

“The four main sects of Hinduism are Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism.” Sure Smartism isn’t gonna ban it

What counts to identify a given religious group as part of one of these religions? Being a "Messianic Jew" (or Hebrew rite Christian) doesn't entitle one to immigrate to Israel. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan amended its Constitution to explicitly declare that Ahmadiyya Muslims are not Muslims, and their lives are worth even less than average in that country.

@BrunoParga I'll count a group as a sect of a certain religion if Wikipedia states that impartial religious scholars generally consider the group to be a sect of that religion. So, Ahmadiyya would count as a Muslim sect and Messianic Judaism would count as a Christian sect.

@Arky sounds like a good criterion, thank you!

Would a time limited ban/prohibition, say on Sabbath, count?

@PaulBenjaminPhotographer I wouldn't count that since I wanted this question to reflect whether various religions will see use of AI as being morally wrong. Activities prohibited on the Sabbath aren't considered inherently wrong. Good question though.