Will any foreign national lend Trump money for any of his civil judgements before the general election?
Nov 13

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Just saw this from nyt via threads

“Trump takes a $3 BILLION bribe right before our eyes

Rightwing billionaire Jeff Yass—$30 billion investor in TikTok—inflates value of Truth Social to $3 billion to give Trump bond money to avoid imminent property seizure by AG Tish James

In return Trump has GOP oppose a TikTok ban and is considering Yass for Treasury Secretary

Can you say QUID PRO QUO?!”


I’m intrigued by the Trump Social sale as his golden parachute if the judge will give him the necessary 6 months for the allegedly 3+ billion payout to vest

@SusanneinFrance They won’t. But why wait when they could just seize his shares Monday and by the time the lockup period expires the state could sell at profit. There is nothing Trump can do to stop them from taking over any of his bank or brokerage accounts.

@SusanneinFrance Like apparently Trump is claiming today he has $500mm cash and seems oblivious to the fact that it will be gone by Monday if true, not to mention the false legal filings saying the contrary all week.

@BTE Are you thinking they just seize his t-social shares before the t-social deal goes through? That would then be all about arithmetic subtracting 1/2b money from 3b money.

A huge difference from seizing his physical properties (which is highly punitive) and selling them at deep discount immediately which is also not to the taxpayer’s advantage. I’m thinking the t-social deal might be more advantageous all around. Obv also to tfg who won’t feel the half-billion pain out if 3+ anticipated.

bought Ṁ45 YES

More likely than ever.

How does this resolve? Are such loans always public information?