Will an AI generate the best optical illusion of any year before 2030?

Resolves according to the "Best Illusion of the Year" contest, at https://illusionoftheyear.com/. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_Illusion_of_the_Year_Contest.

If an image or video generation model is integral in the creation of the #1 illusion of the year, for any year from 2024 to 2029, resolves YES. Otherwise, resolves NO.

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The fact is that current AI generation has severe issues with doing regular, geometric things of the sort that illusions tend to consist of. I feel like in order for this to resolve YES would require a totally novel AI technique not currently in widespread use.

I don't think it should count if it's a generated video. Seems the point of these is to pull physical illusions.

The Double Ring Illusion

2021 Third prize

This could conceivably be ai generated, could it not?

@Bayesian oh yeah, didn't see an example like that before. I thought they're all physical.