Recommend me a podcast to listen to.
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Off the top of my head:

Hard Fork (tech)

80,000 Hours (effective altruism)

The Journal (business)

Slate Star Codex (rationalist blog post readings)

Any podcasts that you already like?

Some of my favorites:

  • No Such Thing as a Fish (trivia)

  • Lateral (trivia, game show)

  • Hard Fork (tech news, interviews)

  • Decoder (tech news, interviews)

  • Accidental Tech Podcast (Apple-focused tech news and other nerd topics)

  • Today, Explained (news)

Making Sense with Sam Harris


The Witch Trails of J. K. Rowling

The Outlaw Ocean

Rabbit Hole


Darknet Diaries (tech, narrative non-fiction)

9/12 (history, narrative non-fiction)

Heavyweight (comedy, narrative non-fiction)

The Dollop (comedy, history)

This American Life, The Ezra Klein Show and Hard Fork were already named by others.

  • Wizard and the Bruiser, fun hosts and history of nerdy stuff

  • Your Kickstarter Sucks, very funny podcast

  • 99% Invisible, about design of objects mainly

  • Battleground, updates about the war in Ukraine

If you like news, I really like The Daily and Up First, each of which gives a daily summary of something in the news. The former is a 30min deep dive on one subject, the latter is 3 pieces of news all in 15mins.

If you like TV shows, a lot of shows are doing rewatches now. It’s Always Sunny and Office Ladies are two I can recommend personally, but there’s a Wizard of Waverly Place one, a Buffy one, a Suits one. Tons.

Outside of that, I enjoy listening to

  • This American Life (weekly podcast about people’s lives, it’s great)

  • Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (a weekly comedy news show)

  • Revisionist History (Malcolm Gladwell exploring subjects we get wrong today)

  • Ezra Klein (a smart guy talking about economics, politics, war/peace…etc)

  • Pod Save America (left-leaning political news)

I listen to a lot of podcasts. What do you like?