Do you think the third World War will occur before the much-anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto 6? Share your thoughts and predictions in this poll.
The prediction resolves to yes if war is declared between 2 or more of the super powers before GTA 6's release.
Edit: declaration may be implicit - 03/07/2024
There are strong indications that another party will join the conflict within march
When you say "the conflict," which conflict are you referring to? For example, the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
@EnricoCaminiti For which war have you observed "strong indicators of a third party joining" and a new war front opening? Examples: a new front related to the Yemenite civil war; a new party joining the fighting in Sudan, etc.
@GazDownright You are american am I right?
What would happen in the case of an American civil war? How would other world powers react to it? What would be the first power to take advantage?
I'd rather not speak further since mine are only speculations, and may not come true.
@EnricoCaminiti I’ve asked several times which specific conflict you’re referring to, but you’ve only responded with vague terms like ‘global conflict.’ If there’s nothing concrete behind your claim, it’s starting to seem more like speculation for the sake of it rather than actual insight. Are you basing this on any credible developments, or is it just a guess?
I'm European.
@GazDownright > Are you basing this on any credible developments
Do Trump recent claims on Greenland and Mexico count as credible developments?
@EnricoCaminiti Thanks for pointing to specific events—it's more helpful than general terms like 'global conflict.' That said, Trump’s claims aren’t always the most credible; they often seem more like negotiation tactics. I also don’t see how the U.S. attacking Mexico or Greenland (if that's what you mean?) would add to an existing conflict. I’m still unclear on your original point—when you mentioned 'strong indications' of another party joining the conflict, which conflict did you mean, and which third party are you referring to?
@GazDownright I'm not referring to a specific third party or conflict, I wish I could predict the future down to the last digit, but I can only try to read between the lines. If you really need a better answer I can provide something with a bit of statistical gymnastic.
The current probability of world war at the moment is clearly non zero, as many conflicting interests are currently on the table. The probability that, for example, Taiwan gets attacked by China, or that Putin actually uses an atomic nuclear bomb are also very low, but are kept artificially low through America's direct/indirect intervention. If America decides, for whatever reason, not to intervene, or worse, to set an example, those probabilities will inevitably go up.
Now that I've set aside the obvious, if I were to make a wild guess, the asian front is getting pretty warm, in particular Korea isn't looking too good.
P.s. I'm sorry I can't provide better answers.
Edit: also please understand that I'm not doing this bet for money, but to have a pseudo reliable extimation of a possible world conflict. Thus you are free to milk out this question for money (as long as you get me a copy of gta6 mydude).
@GazDownright Also, when I told "clear indications" I am refering both to the fact that NO serious step is being taken towards a peaceful resolution of the current Ukraine conflict, and the fact that an increasing number of govs are using "external enemies" as a general excuse for legitimacy and to hold onto power.
Putin declares that the conflict has "acquired elements of global nature"