Resolve N/A if there is no room T+P superconductor before 2040 or if viable fusion is confirmed before a superconductor is discovered.
Even if there is no apparent causality, if viable fusion is confirmed in the year following the research paper that marks the discovery of superconductor, will resolve YES.
@SimoneRomeo Thanks, good questions. If fusion happens first, we're no more in the range of the question => N/A
If there is no apparent causality I will still consider this as a pass, as it would be hard in any case to prove the causality.
For dates, I will use publication of first result paper (or paper of first serious replication if the material is already published but finally show properties afterall )
@SimoneRomeo I would personally use commercialization (first superconductor is sold on the market) as a milestone, but this could shift by itself the timeline by one year
@Guillaume btw, causation could be established if the fusion reactor actually make use of the superconductor