Will Trump be held in contempt an 11th time in his New York criminal case?
Sep 18

Judge Merchan has now found Trump in contempt 10 times. Will there be an 11th finding of contempt?


This question resolves YES if Trump is held in contempt again at any point in the trial, regardless of how he is (or whether he is) punished. I will resolve the question after the jury returns a verdict or, in the event of a conviction, Trump is sentenced. (I will hold off on resolving the question if there is any indication that the judge might consider holding Trump in contempt after that, though.)

A related market on whether the court will jail Trump for contempt: https://manifold.markets/Kolyin/will-the-court-in-the-trump-hush-mo

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@Hyperlincoln this has resolved NO.

See the description: "I will resolve the question after the jury returns a verdict or, in the event of a conviction, Trump is sentenced."

The court retains jurisdiction and contempt is still possible, at least through sentencing.

bought Ṁ250 NO

@Hyperlincoln i assume this can resolve NO? the trial is over, and 10 was the final time.

@Ziddletwix Not yet, the trial court retains jurisdiction. I'll resolve after sentencing.

bought Ṁ10 YES
