For example, a prominant antivaxxer joins Manifold and brings a bunch of their followers to the platform. They resolve a market in a way that contradicts the scientific consensus on vaccine efficacy. In such a case, would Manifold change their mind yet again about whether it's ok for them to override market resolutions and let that resolution stay, because it's profitable for them to have the antivaxxer on their platform?
This market resolves to either YES or NO after the first famous person who brings a lot of users to Manifold resolves a market incorrectly.
@jack Basically, will they have been following one policy, and then either make an exception for the famous person, or suspiciously "reevaluate" their policy right after the famous person incorrectly resolves the market?
@IsaacKing Ok, seems reasonable.
According to the stated policy, they will only override fraudulent misresolutions, so examples like what you describe would stay by the stated policy if the market maker wasn't being deceptive to scam people out of their mana.