What is Elon Musk's IQ?

Inspired by this discussion.

This market resolves to the result of the first official IQ test that Elon takes and is reported to the public. It has to be a real IQ test, not an online test or some similar metric like Raven's Progressive Matricies.

If he's already taken such a test in the past, this market resolves to that number. If the result is outside of the 110-160 range, it resolves to the appropriate end of the range.

(Notably, this market doesn't try to correct for selection bias, such as if Elon chooses to only release the results if they're above a certain number. It just uses the first reported result. I'm also not going to factor in the chance that he's lying, and will take his word for it if he says he got a certain score.)

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For past tests so we count it if it was taken before he was 18? Kid IQ is not so well correlated with adult IQ of the same person.

bought Ṁ10 HIGHER

Hasn't it already been approximated? https://iqestimates.substack.com/p/iq-of-elon-musk

bought Ṁ2,000 LOWER

if you grow up rich in a literal white supremecist land, owner of apartheid slave mines, you too might find weird nerds say you're smart for the work you hired other smarter people to do for you

@JamieCrom I could believe his contribution to PayPal was just dot com luck. But then he led the companies which pioneered the EV and commercial space industries. He even cofounded OpenAI.

There’s millions of people his age who grew up richer than him. And millions of whites, even millions of white South Africans. He’d need Being There-type luck to have somehow white man’d his way to leading several revolutions.

bought Ṁ3 LOWER

@JamieCrom the only correct answer. every time he opens his mouth he seems dumber and dumber

bought Ṁ250 HIGHER

Is there a credible source on IQ / SAT scores of startup founders? Or perhaps another group we could compare to?

I'm willing to believe he once had an IQ above 130 and that drug use and stress/lack of sleep have dragged it down to a current 117 or so

@JessicaEvans You realize 135 only top 1% right?

Either people are really bad at estimaing IQ or just really hate Elon.

@Shai He is not above top 1%

@JessicaEvans I can't spit at my university without hitting someone that's top 1% iq. Most of them will never found 1 successful tech startup let alone 5.

@Shai If you think of the corporate world as meritocratic and IQ as synonymous with merit I guess your reasoning makes sense, but to me the first is subjectively incorrect and the second is much less reductive than that. IQ is one factor among many. The most important factors for success as far as I can tell are effective use of aggression, which benefits from high IQ but isn't equal to it, and getting along with people who have resources.

@JessicaEvans So how big of a role to you think IQ plays? If only the factors you listed were important the world would look very diffrent. For example most succssesful founders would be Saudi oil princes and not American college dropouts.

@Shai Business success in novel ventures is a result of aggressive coordination between people above a certain IQ threshold, not pure aggression. Higher IQ helps implement specific aggressive strategies without a natural cap but it's sufficient to be above a floor which is much lower than 99th percentile IQ. Peter Theil's zero to one shows some of the high level thought processes and strategies that go into this. And Saudi oil princes are doing fine for themselves. What makes being a "successful founder" especially noteworthy out of all forms of success?

Elon's contribution at SpaceX/Tesla go beyond coordination, he makes key design/engineering decisions.

Let's say I agree with you that a lower IQ is sufficient, Surely having above 1% IQ be helpful right?

So it's more likely that his IQ is higher than that given just how common 1% iq is.

@Shai The conditional probability of a successful CEO having a high IQ is higher than its complement, but the conditional probability of Elon having an especially high IQ given his decisions is low. I am not ignoring information, I am conditioning on more information.

as a CEO you don't want an IQ too high or you'll have a harder time relating to employees, potential business partners, etc.

you want an IQ that's high-enough, then you want really good leadership and decision-making traits, conscientiousness, etc

Elon probably has an IQ of 130-140

@JessicaEvans I'm willing to believe it's around 100 tbh

Anyone here that think Elon's IQ is 100 has a severe political bias that doesn't allow them to see stuff clearly

@spirti Is it … lower than 100?

@Snarflak I suspect it may be

Yeah I'm not betting on this given the high odds he'll lie about it because it's likely not as high as he wants

I’m also not going to factor in if he’s lying

Have I got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

@Ophiuchus ☝️

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