Including pretrial detention. Including the house arrest part of the pretrial detention. For each interval the first number is inclusive and the second number is exclusive. Resolves whenever SBF is either dead or a free man (not just out on bail)
A detail:
Resolves whenever SBF is either dead or a free man
So if SBF is freed after 19 years this resolves 10-20 even if he commits more crimes and is jailed again.
@MartinRandall I guess he might die. AFAIK he can't get half off for good behaviour for this, only max 15% off
Looks like the prosecution is recommending 40-50. Can't really imagine them going higher
@Marnix reminder that this market is about how many years he actually serves in prison, not the sentence. People sentenced to 40-50 years get out after half that or less
@JonathanRay USUALLY get out after half that or less 😛
Plus, yeah, there's no guarantee that he'll even get the full recommended sentence
Since this question will wait until SBF dies or is freed from prison before resolving, which could take many decades, I have opened a new question about how many months SBF will be sentenced to in March 2024.
@MemeMan I've been assuming time served, based on the resolution criteria: "Resolves whenever SBF is either dead or a free man (not just out on bail)" -- this implies that sentencing alone is insufficient to resolve the market.
@MemeMan Time served. The only reason short times are trading above zero is because he might Epstein himself