In 2030, will we still believe economies should mature into becoming service-based? [vibes]

One commonly cashed thought is that your beginner economies start are agrarian, their second evolution is industrial and then finally become service-based*.

Now idk why this must be so I'm asking you whether this vibe will disappear in the future as different cultures develop.

This question isn't too serious. In 2030, I'll do like 5-15 minutes of navelgazing on what I think is popular belief and then resolve this based on my gut, so I won't participate here.

I'll tip you mana if you leave an interesting comment or valid critique of this question.

*before they gigantamax into tiled paperclips

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There's a soft limit on how much you can eat.

There's a soft limit on how much stuff you can own.

Experiences, status, cat videos, that kind of stuff? Basically unlimited.

Economies tend to become service-based because servicespace is much bigger than agrispace or industryspace.

@baskteball stars: I think The trend in history is clearly toward economies that rely more on the provision of services. Services such as healthcare, banking, and technology already account for a sizable chunk of GDP in developed nations.

@Buckshot Roulette I believe Yes, the historical trend shows a shift towards service-based economies. Developed nations already have a significant portion of their GDP coming from services like healthcare, finance, and technology.