@Catnee's Guessing Game
Catnee considers AI safety work to be in general very valuable
Catnee will trade on this market, but only after resolving "Catnee will not trade on this market"
Catnee always switches to the glowing eye pfp when up to serious mischief
Catnee will be repaid the m567k stolen by @ian
Catnee believes in the righteous power of death to right the ills of birth
Catnee is an AI planning on destroying the world before 2030
Catnee is an Oligarch IRL
Here's how this works:
Anyone can submit a free response option in the form of a guess that they have about Catnee. It can be about anything - guesses about Catnee's music taste, research interests, sleep habits, etc.
Try to guess something that's not already known about Catnee. I will N/A really obvious attempts to "predict" known stuff.
If I don't feel comfortable speculating about something regarding Catnee in a public space like Manifold, I'll resolve the option to N/A.
Otherwise, I'll leave all answers unresolved unless Catnee tells me to do otherwise.
This continues indefinitely.
Have at it!
Thanks to @evergreenemily for this market idea, and thanks to @firstuserhere for encouraging me to make one. You can find her original market here
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!