Will there be a consumer robot (cleaning dishes, doing chores, etc) at any price, that is widely available by end 2025?
Jan 1

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By the end of 2025, the quest for a household hero might just reach its peak. Imagine a robot, not just any bot, but one that tackles dishes, dances around chores, and maybe even fetches your slippers. While we're not quite there yet, the dream of having a metallic butler at any price is buzzing through the air. Meanwhile, for those of us still rooted in today's reality, professional cleaners are our go-to knights in shining armor. They swoop in, leaving cleanliness in their wake—no futuristic promises needed. And for those in Croydon, a special treat awaits with a cashback offer of up to £150 to sweeten the deal. Check it out here: https://www.emop.co.uk/croydon-cleaner. So, while we wait for our robot overlords to arrive, let's enjoy the human touch that turns our homes into castles, minus the moat of dirty dishes.

predicts YES

To elaborate: robots folding clothes, doing dishes, tidying up, vacuuming (no Rommbas don't count lol). Such a robot needs to be on sale at any price point (presumably very high). Think tesla's new humanoid robot. I voted yes but I am a deep learning researcher with my head up my ass about the whole thing. Of course, I think it will happen.

Do Roombas not count?

Can you elaborate on your criteria a bit? What does it have to do besides doing dishes? This looks like something that should be a very low percent, but I see you betting YES