When will Season 2 of "Severance" premiere?
Before April 1, 2024
April – June 2024
July – September 2024
October – December 2024
January – March 2025
After April 1, 2025

Resolves to the range that includes the day that the first episode of Severance Season 2 is released. Will be based on Eastern Time, so, for example, if it premieres March 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET then it will resolve to "Before April 1, 2024" and if it premieres one minute later on April 1 at 12:00 am ET then it will resolve to "April – June 2024".

Resolves as N/A if Season 2 never premieres (the show is tragically canceled beforehand).

Catch up on Season 1 while you can!!!!

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What happens if Season 2 ends up being cancelled?

@rockenots good question. I hadn't even considered that because Apple has already confirmed season 2 and they were already filming it pre-strike. Based on the way I worded the question, I would have to resolve it N/A if it gets canceled before the Season 2 premiere.

This type of market is good and we should have more of them in general. I want to be able to look on Manifold to answer questions of this type, rather than attempting to use a search engine.

@Eliza thanks! I was honestly surprised by how few of these types of markets exist. In my experience, search engines are pretty useless at telling me when a show is premiering unless if a definitive date has already been announced.