If anywhere in the world more than 500,000 people are demonstrating against automation, or against the dev. of AIs with the main request being to regulate automation (by fear of unemployment), this market will resolve "yes".
If there are demonstrations in a country with a population of less than 500,000, and/or if the number of demonstrators, in proportion to the population, appears to be massive, this market will also resolve "yes".
I won't bet in this market.
This market is not retroactive.
It was massive, in the sense that a huge proportion of screenwriters were on strike.
-> But sectorally massive, I want it to be nationally massive - and not necessarily a strike, "just" a national march would be enough. For the US, ~400M residents, I would definitely expect 500,000+ protestors.
As I understand it, the reason number 1 they went on strike was because they wanted a pay rise.
But regulation of AI/automation was an important part of the strike and was included in the deal.
So I'd say, something similar to the WGA strike with more people would resolve this to "YES".
WGA strike is probably the precursor of more massive social movements against the new wave of automation.