Will we see anyone in the USA SUED IN CIVIL COURT for creating nonconsensual AI-generated porn of real people, in 2023?
Jan 1

This market resolves YES if anyone on the state or federal level is sued for creating nonconsensual AI-generated porn of a real person. Doesn't matter if it goes to trial or what the outcome of the trial is, just that someone files a civil suit that isn't dismissed by the judge.

Outcomes that will count towards a YES resolution:
- A court date is set for a trial

- An out of court settlement is reached
- A default judgment is made other than a dismissal of the plaintiff
- The discovery phase begins
- The matter is deferred to arbitration or mediation
- An appeal is triggered somehow

Feb 1, 10:34am: Will we see anyone in the USA sued for creating nonconsensual AI-generated porn of real people, in 2023? → Will we see anyone in the USA SUED IN CIVIL COURT for creating nonconsensual AI-generated porn of real people, in 2023?

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@LarsDoucet can this resolve?

This case could have some potential, but according to the article "current state law prohibiting the sexual exploitation of minors might already apply." Would it still count? https://apnews.com/article/deepfake-ai-nudes-teen-girls-legislation-b6f44be048b31fe0b430aeee1956ad38

Manifold in the wild: A Tweet by Lars "Land is a Big Deal" Doucet

Will we see anyone in the USA SUED IN CIVIL COURT for creating nonconsensual AI-generated porn of real people, in 2023? https://manifold.markets/LarsDoucet/will-we-see-anyone-in-the-usa-sued