Will I spend real money on Manifold by the end of the year?
Jan 1

Currently I am treating this as a fun little mobile game and a way to track which of my beliefs turn out to be accurate as a means of refining my media diet through identifying outlets which most often lead me to make poor predictions.

So far, I am seeing how well I can learn to play the game without using spending any actual dollars at any point.

Right now, the only way I could see this changing is if my view of Manifold changes, I act impulsively in response to something here, or I see more fun in spending money here than in spending it on some other entertainment.

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Update: it is somewhat more tempting with the sweepcash option if I see something that seems really profitable but I also do not want to cross the line into spending some portion of my pay gambling.

bought Ṁ10 YES

@LiamZ I felt like it was something "pure" and binary about not having spent money on Manifold, but have since spent 2 x $10. Once in 2023 and once a some weeks ago. Doesn't feel slippery slope-y or like I caved in and will now start spending large sums.

I was mostly frustrated with reallocating mana between bets, which made the whole thing less fun or informative of my true views. To me adding a few dollars seems like a no-brainer instead of spending decent chunks of time figuring out how to best allocate my mana.