Will I fly to New Mexico to buy chilis at Costco and cook @billga's Green Chile Stew before Souper Tuesday 2032?

This is a souper vibed-based market. It isn't necessary to take the non-rules too seriously.


  1. There are no rules ;)

  2. I'm allowed to enter NM with any transportation I wish. It doesn't require me to fly directly to NM. For example, landing in LV and taking a car would be fine.

  3. I have to enter NM for this reason at my own discretion πŸ˜‰ .

  4. I don't have a Costco membership, so asking people to get me those chilis would be perfectly fine.

  5. This is the recipe which I'm free to interpret:

  6. That's the reason:

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Damn it, I should have taken the offer while it was still available πŸ˜‰ To be fair, it isn't that expensive, just pretty time-consuming and involves a few too many travel days.

I love 505! I'd happily ship some to you if you pay shipping fees (and assuming that it is not illegal for some weird reason).

As an FYI, if you fly to NM there are noticeably better hatch Valley chilis than canned 505!

@RobertCousineau Hey, you can't list a bunch of reasons to plan a trip to New Mexico and then make this offer. That's ethically questionable.

bought αΉ€10 YES from 61% to 62%

@RobertCousineau Okay, in all seriousness, thank you. I just took a quick look. They even sell it on Amazon (and Walmart), but they don't ship any food items to Germany, the Netherlands, or Belgium. I'm not sure about the laws regarding this at all. In general, I don't think it's a problem with canned stuff. However, the conspiracy population is big enough that there could be laws that prohibit this. So I'll have to do some research.

ooh international chilies conspiracy market

bought αΉ€10 YES

@Lion you can't expect thinly veiled excuses to land with a hyper-rational mind, you'll just end up cutting out all the fun steps in order to reach the goal! (but also, the mail order conspiracy chilies may tide you over but it's the freshies Bill will direct you to in NM that will show you what the soup can truly taste like - there options needn't be in conflict)

bought αΉ€10 YES

sounds like a souper trip to me!

@shankypanky The next NM Costco "just" is 4 hours from Mesa Verde πŸ’€ Maybe I should've checked beforehand

@Lion no no don't be silly - I see three (lol) all next to each in Albuquerque, which is also only ~1hr from Santa Fe.

@shankypanky I didn't mean the Las Vegas next to Santa Fe πŸ˜‚

@Lion oh I'd already transported you straight to NM πŸ˜‚ Vegas is terrible but there's good vegan food lol

@shankypanky I'm confused. Are we talking about the Vegas in New Mexico or Nevada?

@Lion I have no idea what's going on.

@shankypanky In retrospect, I like Vegas, just not after two weeks in national parks.

However, I need a support reason to visit New Mexico/Santa Fe. While the argument buying chilis in a NM Costco might convince me, maybe not everyone.

@Lion I understand that - I've been back in the US for ~18 months after living 5 years in the middle of the forest and I'm still not sure I've adjusted πŸ˜‚

not sure what national parks you've been to but Utah has a long list of dreamy places - and iirc there are some in the north and the south of NM that would be worth a look? you can pack an icebox for the soup.

@shankypanky Probably the most tourist ones πŸ˜‚ (not all Utah, but in the area: Arches, Canyonlands, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion NP and a few state parks)

I'm actually trying to get @billga's attention to get a few tips for New Mexico. ❀


bought αΉ€10 YES

@Lion While in NM you should be able to score infinite chilies just about anywhere, Costco chile is for us ex-pats with no other recourse.

@billga I'm looking for reasons why to visit NM (and which national/state parks to visit), the Costco chile are just a joke

@Lion (psst @billga that's your queue to give some advice on national/state parks in NM)

@shankypanky @Lion White Sands should be on your list, there’s nothing else like it. I like Petroglyph for the primitive art, and Carlsbad Caverns for the bats. All of those are within driving distance of Hatch. 🌢️

... or the plains of San Augustin where the Very Large Array sits, the aforementioned Mesa Verde, Vallas Caldera outside of Los Alamos, and the death labs at Los Alamos. and Trinity Site if you go in April or October.

@Lion Bill's probably got better suggestion than me but if you like Georgia O'Keefe she lived in north central NM. The drive on the highway going northwest of this is also incredibly beautiful in my opinion!

I do sort of think that about the whole state though!

Si Senor in Las Cruces is genuinely delicious every time I've eaten there.

I'd say the food at random mexican restaurants is almost always delicious too - a higher hit rate for food being delicious than anywhere else I've been.

The rio grand gorge is also gorgeous. Sample reccomendation would be this hot spring - I went and had a lot of fun!

I've also heard a lot of good things about the Sandia tram, but have not been on it myself.

@RobertCousineau @billga Thank you ❀ , this transformed the question of how to find a reason to visit New Mexico into needing to plan an extra trip for New Mexico 🀣