Is Yitang Zhang's preprint on Landau-Siegel zeros correct?
Jan 1

On 4th of November Yitang Zhang uplodaed a preprint on Landau-Siegel zeros to arXiv:

The market resolves based on the correctness of the preprint. In the case the preprint is (essentially) correct as stated, the market resolves to 100%. However, certain gray area cases are possible, in which case the market may resolve to values strictly between 0 and 1. Below is a list of example scenarios and corresponding resolutions to indicate how the ultimate resolution will be made.

  • Preprint is correct as stated: 100%. (Typos, small "local" errors, etc. may be found and fixed.)

  • Actually only a bound with 2022 replaced with some large effective constant follows from the proof: 99%.

  • Actually only a bound with 2022 replaced with some large ineffective constant follows from the proof: 80%.

  • Actually only a lower bound of C_{epsilon}/q^{epsilon} for any epsilon > 0 is proven for L(1, chi), with the constant C_{epsilon} > 0 effective: 30%. (This would mean making the famous Siegel theorem effective.)

  • The preprint introduces a new tool that's perhaps useful for problems on Dirichlet L-functions or improves on previous tools, but which does not directly lead to any results as above without substantial new work: 10%.

  • There is a central flaw that cannot be easily fixed, and the preprint does not give a result of independent interest (as above): 0%.

It may be that the final situation does not fit neatly into any of the categories above. In this case the quality of the work is compared to the above guidelines to give the final resolution.

The market resolves at least in the following cases:

  • The preprint is published in a journal (of reasonable quality).

  • The preprint is redacted from arXiv due to a critical error, or the author otherwise states that an error has been found.

It may be that the author and the broader mathematical community disagree on the correctness of the proof. In case an agreement is not found (cf. the famous ABC-conjecture case), the market will resolve to what the broader community thinks. (In case the broader community has no consensus, the resolution will wait until a consensus arises.)

It may be that the author notices an error in the preprint, but is able to fix it with considerable amount of effort. If this results in a new preprint, this market will resolve based on the basis of the preprint linked above. If this simply results in an update of the preprint linked above, the same rules as above apply.

The resolution may ultimately depend on subjective assessments. For this reason I will not be betting on the market.

(This market is similar to, but with the resolution criteria written out more explicitly.)

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This has proven to be an awkward market.

TL;DR: If there have been no major updates related to this in 2024, the market resolves NO (0%). If someone has issues with this, voice them now.

Long version below.


So, as far as I know, there has been no news on this front in the last ~year or so. Last time I heard, there were some issues with the arXiv manuscript. There has been no second version of the manuscript.

In order to not have this market up indefinitely, let me proceed as follows: if there have been no major updates related to this in 2024, the market resolves NO (0%).

Rationale for the 0% (as opposed to e.g. 10%):

  • My understanding of the issues in the manuscript, assuming they are legitimate, are such that one cannot salvage results of independent interest.

  • I haven't heard that there are major results of independent interest in the paper.

  • If there are such results, it would be reasonable to expect them to be presented in a separate work, assuming the original paper is flawed.

What constitutes a major update?

  • Things that do count: A new version of the paper is uploaded to arXiv, the paper is redacted from arXiv, the paper is published, a notable mathematician (e.g. a field medalist or a specialist in the area) has a long-form writing on the article.

  • Things that do not count: Rumors circulating that provide no new information, someone asks a question about the paper on MathOverflow with no new information surfacing.

  • (Note that the major update could alone be sufficient for a NO or YES resolution.)


Operationalizing "is this paper correct" is harder than I thought. It's unfortunate that I didn't specify resolution in the absence of new information properly. Sorry to all the traders.

Again, raise your objections now. If there are none, I will re-open the market in the near future.