Have any journalists in Oregon been criminalized due to their professional activities in 2024?
Ṁ200 / 200
bounty left


I'm looking for instances of journalists or reporter being criminalized for their professional activities / routine news-gather practices in Oregon. Criminalization must occur during 2024.

Bounty Criteria

  • The journalist must be physically in Oregon at time of incident

  • "Professional Activities" includes actions related to the gathering, publishing, or reporting of news

  • "Crimes" can include arrests, charges, fines, imprisonment, sanctions, or legal orders (such as subpoenas to reveal sources)

  • Any crimes must be handled by the Oregon or Federal court system

  • "Criminalization" includes instances where the journalist prosecuted for professional activities

  • "Criminalization" excludes instances where the journalist is the victim of the crime (e.g, a journalist gets assaulted, journalist suffers equipment damage / seizure) or prosecuted for crimes outside of the scope of professional activies (e.g., DUIs, tax evasion)

The bounty will help resolve this market. Only one instance is needed so first credible report gets the bounty.
