Will some AIs have a right to own property in the United States before 2050?

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has prompted extensive ethical, philosophical, and legal debates on the rights and status of AI entities. As AIs become increasingly sophisticated and autonomous, questions have emerged about their potential legal rights and recognitions. One of the most contentious discussions centers around the idea of AIs having a legal right to own property. Proponents argue that certain AI entities might achieve a level of consciousness or complexity that justifies granting them rights, while opponents counter that these entities are mere tools and should not be granted such legal recognitions.

By January 1, 2050, will any AI entities be granted the legal right to own property in the United States?

Resolution Criteria:

This question will resolve positively if any of the following criteria are met within the United States before January 1, 2050:

  1. Legislative Action: The U.S. Congress, or any state legislature, enacts a law or amendment that explicitly grants some AI entities the right to own property.

  2. Judicial Action: A decision by a U.S. federal or state court recognizes the right of an AI entity to own property. This includes instances where a court may interpret an existing law or legal precedent as granting some AI entities such rights.

  3. Regulatory Action: A U.S. federal or state agency introduces, amends, or interprets regulations in a manner that explicitly allows some AI entities to own property.

The question will resolve negatively if none of the above criteria are met before January 1, 2050. Resolution will be based on credible public information from government sources, news agencies, legal databases, or official regulatory bodies, clearly stating that the U.S. has granted one of the aforementioned rights to AI entities.

Note: Even if the right is heavily restricted, this question will resolve positively if at least some AIs have a legal right to own any type property in the United States. This question focuses solely on the legal right of AI entities to own property, not on other potential rights they might acquire. AI entities refer to artificial intelligence systems or beings, not corporations or organizations that utilize AI. The reason behind the grant of such rights (whether ethical, economic, or other) is not relevant for the resolution. Only the fact that such a right is legally recognized matters for this question.

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If a lawfully chartered corporation owns property, and that corporation's activities are directed by AI, would that count?

This could include a company that's chartered with AI taking the role of CEO; or a company where the board of directors endorse the human CEO's choice to delegate decision-making to the AI; or just a private corporation or partnership where the legal owners agree that the company will do whatever the AI says to do.

(This is intended to avoid the issue of "AI personhood" by making use of the legal-fiction "personhood" of corporations.)



Does that also resolve this market yes?

@MartinRandall That depends on whether the criteria are met in the absence of humans.

@MatthewBarnett If a questioned is resolved and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?