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predicts SHORT

I am shorting in support of myself!!

@BTE fuck you, I am buying more!

predicts SHORT

@42irrationalist I appreciate you!

Can I submit a banner for this market??

Sorry for shorting, @BTE. I value you as human, ♥️ but the base rate for stocks about people is lower than 1800 mana, so I thought it would make sense to correct the market.

@TamarSpoerri I was absolutely going to do the same thing once my account is positive again. You beat me to the alpha.

I'm correcting the correction

predicts BUY

@BTE You gotta believe in yourself, man.

@42irrationalist I gotta make back 50k too LOL

predicts SHORT

@BTE @42irrationalist You guys crack me up 😂

predicts BUY

@BTE I got a lot to make back too.