Will TSLA reach >$ 275 before 8pm EST on 8/8?
Aug 9


Market resolves if TSLA reaches >$275 ($275.01+) at any point before 8pm EST on 8/8 - this includes After Market but not Overnight trading.

For After Market trading information: After-Hours Trading: How It Works, Advantages, Risks, Example (investopedia.com)

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Life is a game.

What kind of player are you?

This market needs more bulls

I'll use my winnings from all the shorter term ones to invest in a few months, load up on 50% No limit orders for me okay?

Last chance to sell your No shares guys

Life is a game.

What kind of player are you?


Pivoted from tsla to tsll yesterday morning. This is 2x leveraged. The rest of my money is in calls. Pray for me tmrw. 🙏🏻

Here's my thesis btw

good luck soldier, remember to not act impulsively, remain levelheaded, don't get too caught up on the wins/losses.

filled aṀ10,000 YES at 69% order

time to buy back in @TonyPepperoni am i right or amirite

You know what they say:

Buy low, resolve zero.

bought Ṁ8,000 YES from 66% to 69%
bought Ṁ15,000 YES

nice 😎

bought Ṁ69 YES at 69%

Lmao this is absurd

bought Ṁ1,000 YES from 56% to 57%

Funny that he is in the "Bayesian predictors" division.

Nancy Pelosi sold $500K in TSLA stock. She not like us?

even the GOAT can have an off day

good to know she human like that

bought Ṁ1 YES

she sold it at 190/share

exactly. a rare mistake from the trading GOAT, the modern jesse livermore, the oracle of san francisco, etc. good to know that if/when i lose bigly here, even the greats can make the same mistake

mhm. we are all mostly human!

sold Ṁ3,073 NO

Sold my position. You guys got me. TSLA casino wins agaain.

bought Ṁ69 YES at 53%

Someone (@Base) told me this would be free mana here. When does that start? 👉👈

bought Ṁ1,000 NO from 47% to 46%