Launch is defined as lifting off from the pad, even slightly, under the thrust of its own engines (the launch does not have to be successful)
Must be a full stack launch, but any Starship variant counts
Answers will resolve as they are fulfilled
UTC is used for determining 2025 start/end
Hmm actually, not sure the best way to add that prediction to this market given 24 is presumably a best estimate from Berger whereas the other answers on this market are framed as 'x or more'
Could always just break the pattern and have an answer that is 'Exactly 24 launches' but that doesn't feel true to Berger's prediction either
Could do '24 ± x' where x is some bounds of confidence but then have to pick arbitrary bounds
Or maybe I should just add a '24 or more' option for the fun of it anyway
@Mqrius Hmm yeah I suppose I might add it only if the market starts to think there's a decent chance