Will Ludwig Ahgren appear on Jet Lag before 2025?
Jan 2

Resolves YES if Ludwig appears on Jet Lag: The Game as a guest between now and the start of 2025. Also resolves YES if Ludwig has a John Green style cameo on Jet Lag: The Game between now and the start of 2025, or if Ludwig and the Jet Lag Crew film a Tom Scott Plus style one-off for his youtube channel or similar between now and the start of 2025.

Resolves NO otherwise, including if Ludwig appears as a guest on the Layover but not in an IRL competition.

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I think Unpaid Intern counts more like Jet Lag's appearance on Lateral and not Tom Scott Plus and thus doesn't count for this (if Ludwig was competing it would be more likely yes), but let me know your thoughts

I also wouldn't have counted Tom Scott Plus if the question was will Tom Scott appear on Jet Lag