Will GiveWell fund Electronic partogram by 1st January 2027?

This question resolves positively if GiveWell gives a grant or publishes a recommendation that grants be given to fund Electronic partogram on or before December 31, 2026. Or if a charity undertaking the same work is designated a "Top Charity" or a recipient of "All Funds" before the deadline. This resolves according to a statement from GiveWell or a credible news organisation.


It resolves "No" otherwise.


The most likely resolution mechanism is that GiveWell writes "yes" in the column "Have we recommended one or more grants to support this program?" in the “Electronic partogram” row of the GiveWell program reviews spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TG7WRU85p1SEjir-5qvIEg4kVG9a4Lnzdgwcub8aKSs/edit#gid=0) or a spreadsheet that supersedes it.

-- Note --

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-- Background --

GiveWell has recommended grants to over 10 charities over the years. They are currently investigating 12 charity areas with other areas of research in the pipeline including Electronic partogram.

The following is taken directly from GiveWell’s explanation of the topic

A partogram is a paper-based tool used to track health indicators for a woman and her baby during labor, to enable health workers to provide appropriate interventions. The electronic partogram (ePartogram) is a digital version of the traditional paper partogram that is aimed at making the partogram easier to use and providing decision support to health workers during labor.

Based on a light literature review, we identified one trial in Kenya (Sanghvi et al. 2019) evaluating the effect of an electronic (vs. paper) partogram on labor outcomes for mother and baby. The trial found that the use of an electronic partogram was associated with a significant reduction in perinatal mortality (risk ratio 0.73, 95% CI 0.53-1.00). The trial used partially nonrandom assignment, whereby the biggest hospitals were purposefully assigned to the treatment group. We expect that this may confound results. More training on the use of the partogram was also provided to providers in the treatment group, another potentially confounding factor.

While we view this initial evidence as promising, we don’t anticipate prioritizing additional work on this until additional research is available. Based on a light search, we identified one ongoing research study on the ePartogram in India. We will revisit the evidence for this intervention in 2022, or sooner if additional evidence becomes available.

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predicts NO

Estimated a 24% base rate among programs GiveWell listed in 2017 but had not given a grant too yet (https://www.givewell.org/research/intervention-reports/august-2017-version)