Will I have held DeepMind crystal material in my hand by end of 2025?

Today’s DeepMind news.

By the end of 2025, will I have at any point held one of these materials in my own hands?

I am not a material scientist but may go some way out of my way (live in the UK, would travel within the UK) to see something cool. I think it would be cool.

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Sounds like it would be difficult without some kind of access to labs. Alternatively, one of these could turn out to be revolutionary and it will be in everyone's hands. By 2025 end? Good question

@VAPOR There’s also no hints that all of them are hard to fabricate, so it might be that if one is found to be useful then it could move to manufacturing relatively quickly.

@Noit mail order?

@VAPOR That’s a really good question!

Assuming any given material is safe, as there’s no guarantees that some of these aren’t mega-asbestos, I would potentially be willing to pay up to 30 GBP for a useless lump of one that I could meaningfully hold, i.e. no tiny barely-visible flakes.

If one was particularly attractive, as these could also include things that look like gemstones, or if one had use in a hobbyist field I have interest in, the amount I’d be willing to pay would be higher.

@Noit I'm in, £30 might buy you some flakes, but not a big crystal with woo nice looking... But you're willing to buy?

@VAPOR Yeah, it’ll depend on financial situation at the time, but I’ve definitely spent similar money on dumber things.

predicts YES

@Noit thanks for making a very interesting development more tangible. Still waiting to find out if this is big like alphafold, or just a development that would contribute to future iterations that will be.

It could be the next LK-99 meme generator