Tears of the Kingdom is "arguably Turing complete", because you can build logic gates in it and connect them together to build simple computers like a 2 but adder. If not for the limit on the number of parts and connections, you could theoretically build a larger computer.
This market resolves YES if the new Zelda game Echoes if Wisdom also has some mechanic that can be used to make logic gates that can be connected together, or can otherwise be demonstrated to be Turing complete, ignoring limits on the number of parts.
There are parts of the game where you can slide objects around on ice. Sliding block puzzles are arguably Turing complete.
You'd probably need a wider space covered in ice to make these logic gates, and definitely a much wider space to build anything like a computer. My description didn't say "assuming infinite space" but I did say "at least as much as TOTJ" and that game also doesn't have infinite space.