Will Pornhub offer an option to generate AI porn videos on demand before 2027?

This feature would use AI to create fully synthesized adult content based on user-specified parameters described in text or similar inputs. The market will not consider non-video forms of AI content (such as images or text stories) for resolution. Only a feature officially offered by Pornhub or its parent company will count for resolution.

Resolves YES:

  • Before January 1, 2027, Pornhub adds a publicly accessible feature (either available for free or as a paid service) that allows users to generate full-motion AI porn videos by providing a text prompt or other inputs.

  • The feature is officially part of Pornhub's offerings or those of its parent company and is not merely a third-party service embedded within the website.

  • The generated content must be video-based (audio is optional) and not limited to static images, simple animations, or text descriptions. The generation must involve artificial intelligence techniques to create new, unique video content based on the input prompt, rather than simply curating or editing existing videos.

  • The input can be text, audio, and/or images. This doesn't resolve to YES if the only available input is a video or set of frames to edit or convert into a video.

  • The quality of the output video doesn't affect the resolution as long as it is a fluid video (no rigid, static transitions/animations).

  • If Pornhub changes its name, merges, or is acquired, this market will consider the services of the new entity as long as the platform remains recognizable as the successor to Pornhub.

Resolves NO:

  • No such feature is available on Pornhub before 2026 ends.

  • If Pornhub shuts down or ceases to operate entirely before January 1, 2027, and no such feature was introduced before the shutdown, this market will resolve to NO.

  • The use of AI to enhance, edit, or modify existing videos will not be sufficient for a YES resolution; the AI must create a new video from scratch based on the user's prompt.

OP Trading: Given the objective nature of this market's resolution, I reserve the right to place bets. However, I will do so only after at least 5 trades or trade orders from different traders have been made, to avoid any unfair advantage.

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Where do you draw the line on "simple animations"?

@HankyUSA Static background and body parts with only some parts moving. As long as it is able to produce fluid videos/animations, it suffices for a YES resolution in that matter.