Resolves yes if Rootclaim debates any topic with a wager of at least $50,000 in 2024.
@nikki Rootclaim did also try to start a debate over whether Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was disappeared by UFO's, but the UFO people refused to take the challenge.
@Joshua For an even more specific market:
@PeterMillerc030 With an estimated net worth of 100 million dollars, Saar Wilf can only afford to lose 1,000 Rootclaim challenges.
However, that assumes that all challenges resolve against Rootclaim simultaneously. Assuming a 7% return on investments and a 100% debate loss rate, Rootclaim can still afford to lose 70 challenges per year without a net loss of wealth.
We can conclude that the rate at which Rootclaim debates occur is limited by demand, not supply.