I will give a 50 mana bounty to the people who do the following:
Make a cursed market*
Submit it as a contestant for the Cursed Market Tournament (submissions close at the end of Dec. 3).
Comment here that you did so.
Furthermore, to receive the full bounty, your market must end up being on the official bracket for the Cursed Market Tournament, meaning it must survive the seeding round. If your market is eliminated in the seeding round, you still get a consolation bounty of 25 mana, though.
The structure of the tournament guarantees that at least half of the markets submitted will pass the seeding round, and based on the number of markets that are currently submitted, we will probably end up with almost all markets passing it.
Only markets created after this bounty was created are eligible. If so many cursed markets are submitted that the mana pool is not enough to award all the bounties, I will award bounties to the markets in the order that they were submitted. Also, I will award a maximum of 3 bounties per person.
If your market is submitted here and ends up winning the tournament, I will manalink you an additional 500 mana.
*To count as cursed, there must be some reasonable explanation of what makes it cursed, so if it is not obvious why it is supposed to be cursed, I recommend giving an explanation of why. This rule is to prevent people from disingenuously submitting non-cursed markets that were created for reasons completely unrelated to the CMT just to get the bounty.
Fine print: I reserve the right to refuse to award the bounty to some market if I think there is some compelling reason not to do so. This would cover situations like a market that breaks Manifold's terms of service. This is unlikely to be invoked.
Is this bounty still valid? Is another tournament happening?
I've been told to submit /Stralor/will-i-eat-ass-in-the-next-24
My interpretation of "in" causes a divergent reading of Time depending on the answer. Some are continuous, some are discrete. As it allows user-submitted answers, it's going to be a nightmare to navigate and resolve.
Cannibalism & sex are on the table due to permissive interpretations