--> The option corresponding to the date** on which he is released and goes home as a free man will resolve this question to yes.
--> If he is released from Adiyala jail and placed in house arrest, that will not resolve this answer to Yes. To get a yes, he has to be a free man afterwards.
--> If he is released and is free to go, but is again arrested in a few days* this question will still be resolved to Yes.
*he has to be a free man for at least 48 hours
** All dates and time are according to Pakistan Standard Time (PKT)
As of 13th July 2024 all of the former PM Pakistan Imran Khan's convictions have been overturned. He is still being imprisoned by the ruling military junta on frivolous cases that are bailable.
International pressure is mounting on the military establishment in Pakistan to release Imran Khan, who the UN says has been detained arbitrarily